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Collecting Donations


We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your support, no matter how small or how large, will make a difference!

Prevention & Education

Support our community-based work to prevent substance misuse and suicide and bring mental health awareness to our communities.

Treatment Fund

Help those who can't afford treatment get the help they need.


Support TurningPointCT, our online peer-developed resource for teens & young adults in CT who are struggling with mental health, substance use, or other challenges.

Support Groups

Offset the cost of a support group. We offer free groups to meet the needs of our clients.

General Donation

Provide a donation for use where it's most needed. We appreciate your support for our organization!

Westport Pride

Positive Directions is the proud fiscal sponsor of Westport Pride, which comprises a cross-section of the community’s LGBTQ+ residents and allies. Their goal is to create an affirming culture in Westport that supports the full LGBTQ+ community and serves as a beacon to all.

Thank you so much for your support!

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